Category Archives: Multipurpose

29 random thoughts in the months before to my debut (in no particular order)

Collage by Vicky Lorencen

In January 2025, my very first children’s book will be hurled into the world: THE BIG BOOK OF BARF – A Spewnami of Sick Science, Hurled History and Body Oddities in Ralphabetical Order. My publisher is Bright Matter, a non-fiction imprint of Random House Books for Children. Woo hoo!!

Day after day, my noggin is rumbling with random thoughts like these:

  1. Seriously? I’m going to be a 62 year old debut author! How? WHAT?!!
  2. Got to start a list of all of the people I want to thank for encouraging me all these years (and years and years). That’s going to be a long list.
  3. This is real. Like for reals real. It’s actually happening. Maybe it’s finally safe to celebrate.
  4. Publishing is one random, subjective business.
  5. It’s true. Preparation pays off.
  6. Got to find a way to express my gratitude to my family in a tangible way.
  7. Wish I could reconnect with my teachers from across the years who recognized, challenged and championed my abilities.
  8. I’m finally going to have my very own ISBN!!!
  9. So glad I went to that SCBWI-MI workshop in March 2020 to learn how to create a non-fiction book proposal. I followed the “recipe” and it worked!
  10. Presenting at the elementary school where I was a student and my kids went to school will be surreal.
  11. Never ever thought I’d write a whole book about barf, but the whole process was a joy.
  12. I need to come up with a snappy comeback for when kids inevitably ask, “How old are you?”
  13. Better get noodling on my next non-fiction project and perfecting a new proposal.
  14. Wondering if I’ll get to do a dedication page. What’ll I say?
  15. Can’t believe this book was sparked by a serendipitous, random comment during an ordinary conversation. Magic!
  16. Is it too self-centered to worry that commotion over the presidential election will interfere with my debut. (Uh. Probably!)
  17. What if my publisher goes belly up before my book comes out?
  18. Please oh please do not ask me to write a second book (an “eek”quel to THE BIG BOOK OF BARF) about #2. (I poo poo that idea!} Love non-fiction, but not that!
  19. Chuckling over the thought of my obituary. “Children’s author Vicky Lorencen will be remembered for THE BIG BOOK OF BARF.” I love the thought of making people laugh even after I’m gone.
  20. I am going to hear a ‘hurl” lot of barf stories.
  21. My name is about to change to Children’s Author Vicky Lorencen. I sure like the sound of that.
  22. Wonder how I’ll react when I hold my book for the first time.
  23. Can’t wait to do school visits. (First, I need to get tips from all my friends who are pros.) It also reminds me of #16.
  24. I need to get in better shape so I’ll have energy to enjoy what’s ahead.
  25. No way am I going to become a self-absorbed ninny once book comes out. I hope. (See 17 Things I Want to Remember Not to Forget After I’m Published.)
  26. Hoping kids will really, really, really like my book. Yes, really.
  27. Wouldn’t it be cool if my success encourages another writer who is still in the “waiting room.”
  28. It’s so weird how this feels inevitable. Why or how, I don’t know, but it does.
  29. Sure this sounds crazy, but I fantasize about speaking at the SCBWI winter conference in NY and wonder what song to I want playing as I approach the podium. (No point waiting till the last minute–or for an invitation to speak.)

BONUS! Everyone who entered Frog on a Dime’s 11th Birthday Giveaway can look forward to receiving a very special surprise in February. Thank you so much for your patience and encouragement!

So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains. ~ Dr. Seuss

Playing with your brain


When your work-in-progress refuses to, well, progress, give yourself permission to call a TIME OUT. Sure, for some, a physical activity (e.g., taking a quick walk) can do the trick. I guess I’m a little different. I find much-needed mental refreshment from letting my brain go out to play (so long as its well supervised!). For example, engaging in a simple writing exercise can (re)invigorate my imagination and remind me how fun writing can be.

Recently, I challenged myself to play with the lyrics of a famous song, syllable by syllable. It felt like real exercise for my gooey gray matter dipped in a sweet sugar coating of zero-pressure pleasure. Why not give it a try, my little pumpkin spice biscuit. If you dare, please share the results.

Sound of Silence Night

(Apologies to Mr. Simon)

Hello Feedback, my old friend–

You’ve come to toy with me again

Words of derision swiftly heaping

Grow like weeds while I am sleeping

And the revisions that are ranting in my brain

Still complain–

With this next round, try silence.


In ripped up jeans I walk alone

To buy a bar of Toblerone

‘Neath the beam of a gooseneck lamp

I scroll the pages till my fingers cramp

When my eyes are stabbed by a plot so flat and trite

A wasted night

Even my muse is silent.


And in my lava lamp I saw

Ten thousand people I may bore

People banning without reading

Critics speaking without thinking

Authors writing books that agents never share

No one dares

Curb the sound of silence.


“Dudes,” say I, “You do not know

Silence like my word count grows

Hear my words through this blue kazoo

Read my texts that I might reach you!”

But my work like sweaty high tops smells

Say geckoes in the wells of silence.


And the writers bow and pray

Over critiques for which they pay

Spellcheck flashes out its warning

After words they are misforming.


And agents say, “The words of this novel

Should be written on subway walls

And bathroom stalls

And whispered—no, drowned!—in silence.”

Stepping out of a normal routine, finding novelty, being open to serendipity, enjoying the unexpected, embracing a little risk, and finding pleasure in the heightened vividness of life. These are all qualities of a state of play. ~ Stuart Brown, Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul

It’s Officially Autumn (Let’s start with some fun!)


And now, for a short and sweet cinnamon sugar, pumpkin spice announcement!

Congratulations to the winner of the So Long to Summer Open House prize drawing–Meline Scheidel. Thank you to Meline and everyone who stopped by to leave a kind comment (or 2 or 3!) It’s always delightful to hear from you! Really. Really.

Meline, a special prize package will be winding your way soon. I hope it helps to make your autumn awesome!

I look forward to baking up fresh blog posts to fill everyone with encouragement. But first, I need to gather more chestnuts, share a snack with the squirrels (will they ever say thank you?) and sip another cup of tea.

More soon!

I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Perseverance Power


My little polka dot bumper shoots, it’s finally spring! There’s no better time of year to remind you of the payoff for your perseverance.

What a joy to see shy green leaves, long stemmed tulips and curlicued ferns burst into life like nature’s popcorn–seemingly overnight. But we know that fresh explosion is only possible after months of rest, coupled with preparation and determination. The same is true for you and me.

You may be reflecting on your progress (or lack thereof) as a creative person and feel frustrated or discouraged today. It’s possible you let yourself be victimized by the “Comparison Game” (again). Everyone else is so far ahead of me. (You know that’s a lie, right?) Phooey on those energy drainers. Don’t let those thoughts or feelings drag you down for too long. Keep working, experimenting, growing . . . all that behind the scenes struggle may be preparing you for an opportunity or a break through beyond your imaging. YOU will be spring!

Please know this is the voice of experience talking, not a hollow motivational speech. Your magnificent, obsessive perseverance will prove its worth. Watch for signs of green, my little peepers!

The trumpet of a prophesy! O Wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? ~ Percy Bysshe Shelley

Triple Frog Dare You!

By Matt Faulkner
By Matt Faulkner

Let confetti fly! Pop those crackers! Pour that bubbly! Welcome 2022!

Oh, sure. It would be customary for me to make mushy wishes on your behalf, my little cinnamon scones. Instead, I intend to be more daring–times three!

I DARE YOU to finish the manuscript (or at least the chapter?) that left you quivering in a quandarous quagmire in 2021. (Preemo alliteration, eh?)

I DOUBLE FROG DARE YOU to return to the drawing, dummy or color palette that refused to please you in 2021. Let someone else take a look. Come at it in a fresh way. Be brave and start again, if need be. Bend it to your will!

And NOW, for the coup de grace!

I TRIPLE FROG DARE YOU to move that niggling idea (you know the one–because you can still hear its incessant yammering, can’t you) and nudge it from an annoyance to something tangible–some research, a sketch, a character interview, an outline, a synopsis, a diagram, a doodle, a crappy first draft–ANYTHING that moves it from a freeloading concept plopped on the couch of your cranium to a visible “thing” squinting and squirming in the light of day. Then, go ahead and amuse your muse!

(And in case you’re wondering: I am taking myself up on my own dare. Confession: I have a novel revision I’ve been “skillfully” avoiding for TWO years by working on other projects. I pacify myself by perpetuating the limp excuse that at least I’m productive. Sure. That’s true. But have I accomplished anything from my heart (the scary, vulnerable novel writing)? Have I faced my fear of the overwhelmingnessity of this particular revision? Noop. I know avoidance is futile. Creativity-leaching. And ultimately, well, dumb. I don’t want to be dumb. 2022 is my year to face the, uh, Frog!)

What say you, my little peppermint chocolate macrons? Will you join me?

Frog on a Dime looks forward to bringing you new guest interviews, inspiration and words of encouragement. Whatever this New Year brings, take heart. We will trudge and triumph through it together.

Ever forward!

Smiles from the threshold of the year to come,
Whispering ‘it will be happier.
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.
And to make an end is to make a beginning
. ~ T.S. Eliot

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day. ~ Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Thanksgiving Surprises for You


Thanksgiving Week 2021 is going to be extra thank-filled.

Artwork by Vicky Lorencen

Frog on a Dime will host a very special guest. I can’t wait for you to meet her!

PLUS (yes, there’s even more my little pumpkin tarts!) you will have a chance to win your own personalized copy of our guest’s amazing new picture book!

You’ll thank yourself when you hop on over to Frog on a Dime Monday, November 22.

See you then!

I want to thank you for the profound joy I’ve had in the in the thought of you. ~ Rosie Alison

Photo by Vicky Lorencen

You’re Invited – Summer Open House 2021

Doodle by Vicky Lorencen

Welcome! Welcome!

Come on in!

To taggle along with “What a Doodle Can Do for You,” I invite you to visit Frog on a Dime and enjoy taking a look around. Snoop all you like. (Yes, you can even look under the lily pads!) Read posts, check out the quote collection, the inspiration page for young writers and much more. It’s all yours to explore.

While you’re here, please leave a comment on whatever post speaks most to you.

Your comment is your ticket to entry into Frog on a Dime’s Annual (Virtual) Summer Open House giveaway!

You can win:

A swirly whirly one-of-a-kind doodle created with care by yours truly. If you choose, your doodle can be personalized with your initials or the initials of someone you love incorporated into the design.

To enter the 2021 Frog on a Dime Summer Open House Giveaway:

Simply leave a comment on any post–past or present, whatever suits your fancy!

Deadline to enter:

High Noon (EST) on Wednesday, August 11.

(And ahem, leave a comment on more than one post, and you’ll get an EXTRA chance to win!)

In spite of everything, I shall rise again; I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing. ~ Vincent Van Gogh

A strong visual imagination acts as a magnet to draw the visualised into reality. ~ Anupama Garg

What a Doodle Can Do for You

By Vicky Lorencen

The other day I stumbled on a fun fact about presidential doodles.

(Hmm. Something about that doesn’t sound quite right.)

Let me start again.

See, I was reading this article from Harvard Health Publishing about the thinking benefits of doodling. That makes more sense, right?

And according to the article’s author Srini Pillay, MD, “Even American presidents have found themselves sketching away: 26 of 44 American Presidents doodled, from Theodore Roosevelt, who doodled animals and children, to Ronald Reagan, who doodled cowboys and football players, and John F. Kennedy, who doodled dominoes.”

Doodle by Vicky Lorencen
By Vicky Lorencen

A writer’s job doesn’t exactly involve executing laws, appointing federal officials or negotiating with Slovakia. So, why do I need to doodle? For me, doodling is a way to get out of my own way. If I’m writing and get stuck (more like, “when” I get stuck), I pause and pick up a pen. Mindlessly making swirls and random, unpredictable designs is a practice that calms me. It provides a chance to hush my harsh inner critic because doodling has no right or wrong. It just do.

Doodling can helps me puzzle out a plot predicament or conjure a more fitting name for a character I’ve become better acquainted with. It keeps the gnarly wheels in my noggin’ cranking, but in a more productive way versus self-sabotage.

Doodling can also be a delightful way to douse stress. Allowing yourself to get lost in an in-the-moment design can relieve tension by putting a distance between you and fret. Worries about your writing and whether you can move ahead are nudged to the margin while you push that pen. You can return to your project mentally replenished.

My Little Strawberry Rhubarb Tart, if you’ve never tried doodling as a companion to your creative process, I encourage you to give it a try. The only way you can go wrong is to think about what you are doodling whilst you do it. Pretend you’re giving the paper a side glance. It’s just there to catch the ink. And you don’t have to use fancy paper or snazzy pens. (If you take a look at the doodle below, you’ll notice I did it on nothing-fancy notebook paper.) You don’t have to worry about composition, what color to use or creating “art.” Just free your pen and the mental rest will follow.

Want to delve deeper into doodling?

Learn more about the benefits of doodling from Monica Harris, The Doodling Duchess.

By Vicky Lorencen

She drew the things that stuck to her mind, the things that caught her attention and, specially, the things she wasn’t capable of understanding fully. But she hadn’t even realized it. Art had become her way of processing reality. ~ Zoe Haslie

Everybody has inner creativity that has been lost amongst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The small part of us that provides balance and calm, and releases our creative side, is smothered and in risk of dying completely. ~ Lana Karr

Be gentle on yourself

Doodle by Vicky Lorencen

To say mathematics is not my thing is like saying cliff diving is not a giraffe’s thing.

And yet, I am compelled to confirm an important number, so I do the math.

2021 – 1963 = 58

Yep, there it is.

I’m turning 58 years old this year. Yeesh. I’ve never been so old.

And with every passing year, I feel the mounting pressure to be published. That pressure is entirely self-inflicted, along with the self-condemnation and self-doubt. I’m really quite self-sufficient that way.

Year marker 58 was anticipated to be much the same. And then, I heard a few simple words from a wise literary agent that hit a reset button I forgot I even had.

The words?

“Be gentle on yourself.”

It’s easy to be gentle on others, isn’t it. It’s no effort to remind them how genuinely talented they are, and easy to encourage them to look back at how far they’ve come.

Maybe I can give it a go with myself too. It will be a squabblesome, disorienting pursuit I’m certain. But being gentle on myself sure sounds like a welcome birthday gift.

Say, you’re having a birthday this year, aren’t you? Why not treat yourself to some gentleness too.

Be gentle on yourself. ~ Kirby Kim, literary agent with Janklow & Nesbit

Follow your compass, not your clock. ~ Alvina Ling, VP, Editor-in-Chief, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers

Learn to be kind to yourself. Let your mind free, close your eyes, breathe deeply and remain calm. Life is majestic and meaningful enough. ~ Shaa Zainol

Congrats Octiversary Giveaway Winner!


Thank you times eight to everyone who joined in celebrating Frog on a Dime’s Octiversary! How encouraging to note your many accomplishments of the past year. And, given the tilt-a-whirl of 2020, every step forward–or even the ability to hold on–is all the more impressive! If you have not done so already, I hope you will make time to celebrate your progress, persistence and plucky pertinaciousness. (How’s that for alliteration? I’m exhausted. Where’s my cookie?)

Photo by Vicky Lorencen

And now, my little puff pastries, I am pleased to announce the winner of

Frog on a Dime’s Octiversary Giveaway.

Congratulations to Rebecca Van Slyke!

A box filled with not one, but eight prizes will be coming your way. You can expect to receive it in January to lighten mid-winter blues and start your new year with fresh resources for your 2021 creative pursuits.

Wishing you all a season of peaceful, mindful moments, and genuine joy in the year to come.

Celebrate when you’re half done,
And the finish won’t be half as fun
. ~ Lemony Snicket