Tag Archives: fiction

29 random thoughts in the months before to my debut (in no particular order)

Collage by Vicky Lorencen

In January 2025, my very first children’s book will be hurled into the world: THE BIG BOOK OF BARF – A Spewnami of Sick Science, Hurled History and Body Oddities in Ralphabetical Order. My publisher is Bright Matter, a non-fiction imprint of Random House Books for Children. Woo hoo!!

Day after day, my noggin is rumbling with random thoughts like these:

  1. Seriously? I’m going to be a 62 year old debut author! How? WHAT?!!
  2. Got to start a list of all of the people I want to thank for encouraging me all these years (and years and years). That’s going to be a long list.
  3. This is real. Like for reals real. It’s actually happening. Maybe it’s finally safe to celebrate.
  4. Publishing is one random, subjective business.
  5. It’s true. Preparation pays off.
  6. Got to find a way to express my gratitude to my family in a tangible way.
  7. Wish I could reconnect with my teachers from across the years who recognized, challenged and championed my abilities.
  8. I’m finally going to have my very own ISBN!!!
  9. So glad I went to that SCBWI-MI workshop in March 2020 to learn how to create a non-fiction book proposal. I followed the “recipe” and it worked!
  10. Presenting at the elementary school where I was a student and my kids went to school will be surreal.
  11. Never ever thought I’d write a whole book about barf, but the whole process was a joy.
  12. I need to come up with a snappy comeback for when kids inevitably ask, “How old are you?”
  13. Better get noodling on my next non-fiction project and perfecting a new proposal.
  14. Wondering if I’ll get to do a dedication page. What’ll I say?
  15. Can’t believe this book was sparked by a serendipitous, random comment during an ordinary conversation. Magic!
  16. Is it too self-centered to worry that commotion over the presidential election will interfere with my debut. (Uh. Probably!)
  17. What if my publisher goes belly up before my book comes out?
  18. Please oh please do not ask me to write a second book (an “eek”quel to THE BIG BOOK OF BARF) about #2. (I poo poo that idea!} Love non-fiction, but not that!
  19. Chuckling over the thought of my obituary. “Children’s author Vicky Lorencen will be remembered for THE BIG BOOK OF BARF.” I love the thought of making people laugh even after I’m gone.
  20. I am going to hear a ‘hurl” lot of barf stories.
  21. My name is about to change to Children’s Author Vicky Lorencen. I sure like the sound of that.
  22. Wonder how I’ll react when I hold my book for the first time.
  23. Can’t wait to do school visits. (First, I need to get tips from all my friends who are pros.) It also reminds me of #16.
  24. I need to get in better shape so I’ll have energy to enjoy what’s ahead.
  25. No way am I going to become a self-absorbed ninny once book comes out. I hope. (See 17 Things I Want to Remember Not to Forget After I’m Published.)
  26. Hoping kids will really, really, really like my book. Yes, really.
  27. Wouldn’t it be cool if my success encourages another writer who is still in the “waiting room.”
  28. It’s so weird how this feels inevitable. Why or how, I don’t know, but it does.
  29. Sure this sounds crazy, but I fantasize about speaking at the SCBWI winter conference in NY and wonder what song to I want playing as I approach the podium. (No point waiting till the last minute–or for an invitation to speak.)

BONUS! Everyone who entered Frog on a Dime’s 11th Birthday Giveaway can look forward to receiving a very special surprise in February. Thank you so much for your patience and encouragement!

So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains. ~ Dr. Seuss